Vision Boards!

I had read about the power of vision boarding in one of my favourite women’s magazines and immediately asked Chloe to make one with me. Neither her or I had any idea what a vision board was, but I thought it would be a nice way to get motivated at the beginning of the new semester at university.


I decided to do a little research and see what others had to say about the humble vision board. I found a great article featuring Denise J. Hart, the CEO of Momentum Institute for Women, which indicated that a vision board was more than just a crafty activity but a powerful tool to help you achieve your goals.

Hart describes vision boards as a collage project that reflects the energy, growth and development you want to manifest in your life (hello hundred dollar bills). Everyone envisages things in their life. A vision board is a way to make those visions a tangible thing that can help to reinforce your positive thoughts and help you to advance on your aspirations.

Hart went on to explain that the vision board works in conjunction with the principles of the law of attraction, which is why vision boards can actually be attributed to ones successes. When we can clearly visualise the positive thoughts that we hold in our minds, a powerful energy surrounds those things that we desire.


Chloe and I sat down with scissors and printed images and began chopping and pinning things on our boards. We were having a great time and the whole process felt rather therapeutic. It surprised me how seriously we took the activity, and how perfect we wanted our boards to look so that they accurately reflected our goals. Anna Wintour HAD to fit on my board… I didn’t care at what obscure angle she was pinned! Chloe and I were both very impressed with our finished products. It wasn’t something we felt like we were obliged to look at every day, but something we really wanted to look at everyday. Our boards reflected not only our goals but also our personalities- Chloe’s board was filled with calming blue tones and lots of images of water, travel and health and wellbeing quotes. My board was predominantly pastel, with pink and yellow colouring. I had lots of images of the women who inspire me, my travel dreams and lots of quotes about being unapologetically me.

People will love you and people will hate you. None of it will have anything to do with you.”


So what has my vision board done for me? More than helping me to focus my energy to achieve my goals, it has given the self-assurance to see that I have really clear goals and I didn’t at all hesitate about what they are, or pinning them to my board. It was nice to know that I was aware of my goals and have vision about my future. My vision board is acting like a daily reminder for me not only of my goals, but that I have the potential to get there.

“A dream is just a dream- a goal is a dream with a plan and a deadline.”  

Marketing & Events Management Student at Griffith University
m / 0424 240 254   e /  w / linkedin/ Rachel Amy Perkins

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